Duncan Williamson tells a few stories and sings a song

Duncan Williamson

Duncan Williamson (1928 – 2007) was described by Hamish Henderson, co-founder of The School o Scottish Studies, as: “possibly the most extraordinary tradition-bearer of the whole Traveller tribe.”

He was born into an Argyll Traveller family, his father being a tinsmith and basketmaker, and learned his songs and stories from his family and other Travellers.

Duncan was a well-known storyteller, singer and author of books such as May the Devil Walk Behind Ye! Scottish Traveller Tales, The Horsieman: Memories of a Traveller 1928-1958 and The Land of the Seal People. He shared his stories with school children and at storytelling festivals in the UK and in other parts of the world

In these video clips, from Bob Pegg’s archive, Duncan is sharing some stories and a song at the 2003 Martinmas Storytelling Festival.

You can read more about the festival and how some of the great Scottish Traveller storytellers got involved by reading Extracts from Heading North by Bob Pegg


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